George C. Schatz
Professor of Chemistry

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- 847-491-5657
- Ryan 4017
Research Interests
Schatz is a theoretician who studies the optical, structural and thermal properties of nanomaterials, including plasmonic nanoparticles, plasmonic metamaterials, DNA and peptide nanostructures, and transition metal dichalcogenides. He has contributed to theories of dynamical processes, including gas phase and gas/surface reactions, energy transfer processes, quantum science, transport phenomena and photochemistry.
Selected Publications
Revealing the three-dimensional orientation and interplay between plasmons and interband transitions for single gold bipyramids by photoluminescence excitation pattern imaging, Liu, Quan; Ge, Dandan; Wackenhut, Frank; Coplan, Caitlin D.; Cherqui, Charles; Brecht, Marc; Lin, Xiao-Min; Schatz, George C.; Schaller, Richard D.; Adam, Pierre-Michel; Bachelot, Renaud; Meixner, Alfred J. J. Phys. Chem. C, 125. 26978-85 (2021) DOI:10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c08402
Enhancing entangled two-photon absorption for picosecond quantum spectroscopy, Ryan K. Burdick, George C. Schatz, Theodore Goodson III, J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 143, 16930-34 (2021). 10.1021/jacs.1c09728
Dynamic control of photocatalytic proton reduction through the mechanical actuation of a hydrogel host matrix, Yang, Muwen; Xiong, Qinsi; Kodaimati, Mohamad S.; Jiang, Xinyi; Schweitzer, Neil M.; Schatz, George C.; Weiss, Emily A., J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 12, 12135-141 (2021) DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03713
Non-fullerene acceptors with direct and indirect hexa-fluorination afford >17% efficiency in polymer solar cells, Li, Guoping; Feng, Liang-Wen; Mukherjee, Subhrangsu; Jones, Leighton O.; Jacobberger, Robert M.; Huang, Wei; Young, Ryan M.; Pankow, Robert M.; Zhu, Weigang; Lu, Norman; Kohlstedt, Kevin L.; Sangwan, Vinod K.; Wasielewski, Michael R.; Hersam, Mark C.; Schatz, George C.; DeLongchamp, Dean M.; Facchetti, Antonio; Marks, Tobin J. Energy & Environmental Science, 15, 645-659 (2022) DOI: 10.1039/d1ee03225a
Layered structures of assembled imine-linked macrocycles and two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks give rise to prolonged exciton lifetimes, Helweh, Waleed; Flanders, Nathan C.; Wang, Shiwei; Phelan, Brian T.; Kim, Pyosang; Strauss, Michael J.; Li, Rebecca L.; Kelley, Matthew S.; Kirschner, Matthew S.; Edwards, Dillon O.; Spencer, Austin P.; Schatz, George C.; Schaller, Richard D.; Dichtel, William R.; Chen, Lin X., J. Mat. Chem. C 10, 3015-26 (2022) DOI: 10.1039/d1tc05840a
Direct observation of modulated radical spin states in metal-organic frameworks by controlled flexibility, Chen, Xiaofeng; Xie, Haomiao; Lorenzo, Emmaline R.; Zeman, Charles J. IV; Qi, Yue; Syed, Zoha H.; Stone, Aaron E. B. S.; Wang, Yao; Goswami, Subhadip; Li, Peng; Islamoglu, Timur; Weiss, Emily A.; Hupp, Joseph T.; Schatz, George C.; Wasielewski, Michael R.; Farha, Omar K. JACS, 144, 2685-93 (2022) DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c11417
Controlled hysteresis of confuctance in molecular tunneling junctions, Park, Junwoo; Kodaimati, Mohamad S.; Belding, Lee; Root, Samuel E.; Schatz, George C.; Whitesides, George M. ACS Mamp, 16, 4206-16 (2022) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c10155
Polariton dynamics in two-dimensional Ruddlesden-Popper perovskites strongly coupled with plasmonic lattices, Park, Jeong-Eun; López-Arteaga, Rafael; Sample, Alexander D; Cherqui, Charles R; Spanopoulos, Ioannis; Guan, Jun; Kanatzidis, Mercouri G; Schatz, George C; Weiss, Emily A; Odom, Teri W, ACS Nano,16, 3917-3925 (2022) DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c09296
Programmable self-regulation with wrinkled hydrogels and plasmonic nanoparticle lattices, Lee, Young-Ah Lucy; Mousavikhamene, Zeynab; Amrithanath, Abhishek Kottaram; Neidhart, Suzanne M.; Krishnaswamy, Sridhar; Schatz, George C.; Odom, Teri W. Small 18, 2103865 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202103865
Generating bright emissive states by modulating the bandgap of monolayer tungsten, Tumpa Sadhukhan and George C. Schatz, J. Phys. Chem. C 126, 5598-5606 (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c09508
Localized π surface states on 2D molybdenum disulfide from carbene-functionalization as a qubit design strategy, Leigton, O. Jones, Tumpa Sadhukhan and George C. Schatz, ACS Physical Chemistry Au, asap (2022). DOI: 10.1021/acsphyschemau.1c00055