Hooman Mohseni
Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

- hmohseni@eecs.northwestern.edu
- Website
- 847-491-7108
- Tech M250
Research Interests
Much of the work in the Bio-Inspired Sensors and Optoelectronics Lab (BISOL) is driven by either a direct biological inspiration or by a desire to work with biology. One project, for example, uses the eye as a model to build a highly sensitive light detector. Current technology has not yet been able to duplicate the single photon performance of human rod cells and so by studying the way they work we were able to design and build a solid state, inorganic analogue that works better than any commercial system available of its kind. We also work on building optical detectors designed for finding biologically important molecules like proteins, viruses and pharmaceuticals. The detectors have nanoscale dimensions and are integrated directly onto the light source (tiny laser chips) with the hope of making a portable, matchbook-sized device that doctors can easily use to diagnose patients. Life is one of the universe’s most complex systems and working towards its better understanding will help better our lives.
Selected Publications
A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni, "Impact of optical antennas on active optoelectronic devices", Nanoscale, 6 (19), 10961 - 10974 (2014).
I. Hassani Nia and H. Mohseni. "A proposal for Coulomb assisted laser cooling of piezoelectric semiconductors." Applied Physics Letters 105.4, 042102 (2014).
V. Fathipour, O.G. Memis, SJ. Jang, R.L. Brown, I. Hassani Nia, and H Mohseni, “Isolated Electron Injection Detectors With High Gain and Record Low Dark Current at Telecom Wavelength,” IEEE Journal of Selectred Topics in Quantum Electronics, 20(6), 3805106 (2014).
A. Bonakdar and H. Mohseni, "Hybrid optical antenna with high directivity gain," Optics Letters 38, 2726-2728 (2013).
J. Kohoutek*, D. Dey*, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, V. Fathipour, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni, "Mechanical frequency and amplitude modulation of quantum cascade laser integrated with plasmonic nanoantenna," Small 8.24: 3781-3785 (2012). *Joint first authors.
Alok Tayi, Alexander Shveyd, Andrew Sue, Jodi Szarko, Brian Rolczynski, Taylor Kennedy, Amy Sarjeant, Charlotte Stern, Dennis Cao, Walter Paxton, Wei Wu, Sanjeev Dey, Albert Fahrenbach, Jeffrey Guest, Hooman Mohseni, Lin Chen, Kang Wang, J. Fraser Stoddart, Samuel Stupp, "Room Temperature Ferroelectricity in Supramolecular Networks of Charge-Transfer Complexes," Nature 488, 485-489 (2012).
J. Kohoutek, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, D. Dey, I. Hassani, V. Fathipour, O. G. Memis, and H. Mohseni, "Integrated all-optical Infrared Switchable Plasmonic Quantum Cascade Laser," Nano Letters, (2012).
W. Wu, I. Hassani, and H. Mohseni, "Interlevel Cascade Transition in Electrically Confined Quantum Wire Arrays", ACS Nano 5 (9), 7488-7493, (2011).
J. Kohoutek, D. Dey, A. Bonakdar, R. Gelfand, A. Sklar, O.G. Memis, H. Mohseni, "Opto-Mechanical Force Mapping of Deep Subwavelength Plasmonic Modes", Nano Letters 11(8), 3378-3382 (2011).
D. Dey, J. Kohoutek, R. M. Gelfand, A. Bonakdar, and H. Mohseni, “Quantum-cascade laser integrated with a metal–dielectric–metal-based plasmonic antenna”, Optics Letters 35, 2783 (2010).
O. G. Memis, J. Kohoutek, W. Wu, R. M. Gelfand, and H. Mohseni, “Signal-to-noise performance of a short-wave infrared nanoinjection imager”, Optics Letters, 35, 2699 (2010).
W. Wu, A. Bonakdar, and H. Mohseni, “Plasmonic enhanced quantum well infrared photodetector with high detectivity”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 161107 (2010).
R. M. Gelfand, L. Bruderer, and H. Mohseni, “Nanocavity plasmonic device for ultrabroadband single molecule sensing”, Optics Letters 34, 1087 (2009).
- Professor Mohseni discusses nanotechnology in a recent interview
- The opto-electro-mechanical detector developed by Jack Kohoutek et. al was named as part of 2009's “Accelerated Ingenuity” by Laser Focus World. (Jan 2010)
- "Squeezing light for single-molecule spectroscopy" was highlighted in the SPIE newsroom, and MRS Bulletin (2009).