Matthew Grayson
Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering

- Website
- 847-491-8137
- Tech L387
Research Interests
The goal of my group’s research is to engineer semiconductor nanosystems where quantum transport of charge leads to new electronic properties and devices, and where quantum interactions can be controlled and studied. Systems of interest are quantum wires, quantum wells, the quantum Hall effect, and thermoelectric phemonema in nanoengineered systems. The quantum numbers to be manipulated are the spin index, valley index, and layer index in multilayer systems, measured at low temperatures and high magnetic fields where Luttinger liquids, quantum Hall ferromagnets, and multi-valley systems can be probed. This research will have applications in quantum information processing and cryogenic thermoelectrics.
- Provost Award for Faculty Service 2019
- AT&T Research Professorship 2018
- Best Teacher Award 2009, McCormick School of Engineering
- NSF CAREER Award 2008
- Teacher of the Year 2008, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship 2001
Selected Publications
Kim, S.; Kim, M.; et al.; Zhou, Chuanle; Vurgaftman, I., “Thermal conductivity tensors of the cladding and active layers of antimonide infrared lasers and detectors", Optical Materials Express, (2013)
Bichler, M.; Abstreiter, G.; Grayson, M.; Steinke, L.; Cantwell, P., “Hartree simulations of coupled quantum Hall edge states in corner-overgrown heterostructures”, Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, (2013)
Zhou, Chuanle; Grayson, M.; Birner, S.; Tang, Yang; Heinselman, K., “Driving perpendicular heat flow: (pn)-type transverse thermoelectrics for microscale and cryogenic peltier cooling”, Physical Review Letters, (2013)
Brian S. Kim, Wang Zhou, Yash D. Shah, Chuanle Zhou, Nebile Isik, and M. Grayson, “Generalized four-point characterization method for resistive and capacitive contacts,” Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 024703 (2012).
S. Prabhu-Gaunkar, S. Dasgupta, S. Birner, C. Knaak, and M. Grayson, “Valley degeneracy in biaxially strained AlAs quantum wells,” Physical Review B 84, 125319 (2011).
A. R. Varrenti, Chuanle Zhou, A. G. Klock, S. H. Chyung, J. Long, S. O. Memik, M. Grayson, "Thermal sensing with lithographically patterned bimetallic thin-film thermocouples," IEEE Electron Device Letters 32, 818 (2011).
M. Grayson, "Quasiparticle Doppelgangers" Physics 2, 56 (2009).
L. Steinke, D. Schuh, M. Bichler, G. Abstreiter, and M. Grayson, "Hopping conduction in strongly insulating states of a diffusive bent quantum Hall junction," Physical Review B 77, 235219 (2008).
N. Isik, M. Bichler, S. F. Roth, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, O Goktas, and M. Grayson "Shadow modulated two-dimensional heterostructures using vertical pillars," Applied Physics Letters 92, 173505 (2008).
S. Dasgupta C. Knaak, J. Moser, M. Bichler, S. F. Roth, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, G. Abstreiter, and M. Grayson, "Single-valley high-mobility (110) AlAs quantum wells with anisotropic mass," Applied Physics Letters 93, 132102 (2008).
L. Steinke, P. Cantwell, D. Zakharov, E. Stach, N. J. Zaluzec, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, M. Bichler, G. Abstreiter, and M. Grayson, "Nanometer scale sharpness in corner overgrown heterostructures," Applied Physics Letters 193, 193117 (2008).
S. Dasgupta, C. Knaak, J. Moser, M. Bichler, S. F. Roth, A. Fontcuberta i Morral, G. Abstreiter, M. Grayson, “Donor binding energy and thermally activated persistent photoconductivity in high mobility (001) AlAs quantum wells,” Applied Physics Letters 91, 142120 (2007).
M. Grayson, L. Steinke, D. Schuh, M. Bichler, L. Hoeppel, J. Smet, K. v. Klitzing, D. K. Maude, G. Abstreiter, “Metallic and insulating states in a bent quantum Hall junction,“ Physical Review B 76, 201304-07(R) (2007).