Nathaniel P. Stern
Professor of Physics and Astronomy, Co-Director, Applied Physics Program

- Website
- 847-467-0625
- Tech F245
Research Interests
Nathaniel Stern's research interests are focused on the fundamental quantum interactions of photons with atoms, nano-scale structures, and magnetic materials. Our research objective is to explore the novel optical and magnetic properties of nano-scale solid-state systems, focusing on the collective quantum interactions which emerge between photons and zero-dimensional electronic structures. Experimental approaches are drawn from a wide range of optical techniques, from time-resolved spectroscopy to ultra-low light detection at the single-photon level. Our work seeks to bring the methods of semiconductor physics, photonics, and atomic quantum optics to bear on new physical questions concerning how light and matter interact on the smallest scales, with potential impact throughout the disciplines of photonics, quantum information, magnetism, materials science, and nanoscience.
Selected Publications
- T. LaMountain, H. Bergeron, I. Balla, T. K. Stanev, Mark C. Hersam, N. P. Stern
“Valley-Selective Optical Stark Effect Probed by Kerr Rotation.”
Physical Review B 97, 045307 (2018) - S.C. Ellis, S. Kuhlmann, K. Kuehn, H. Spinka, D. Underwood, R. R. Gupta, L. Ocola, P. Liu, G. Wei, N. P. Stern, J. Bland-Hawthorn, P. Tuthill
“Photonic ring resonator filters for astronomical OH suppression."
Optics Express 25, 15868-15889, (2017) - Y.-J. Chen, J. D. Cain, T. K. Stanev, V. P. Dravid, N. P. Stern
“Valley-Polarized Exciton-Polaritons in a Monolayer Semiconductor."
Nature Photonics 11, 431–435, (2017) - G. Wei, D. A. Czaplewski, E. J. Lenferink, T. K. Stanev, I.W. Jung, N. P. Stern
“Size-tunable Lateral Confinement in Monolayer Semiconductors.”
Scientific Reports 7, Article 3324, (2017) - D. J. Park, J. C. Ku, L. Sun, C. M. Lethiec, N. P. Stern, G. C. Schatz, and C. A. Mirkin
“Directional emission from dye-functionalized plasmonic DNA superlattice microcavities.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 457-461, (2017) - G. Wei, T. K. Stanev, D. A. Czaplewski, I. W. Jung, and N. P. Stern
“Silicon-nitride photonic circuits interfaced with monolayer MoS2.”
Applied Phyics Letters 107, 091112, (2015) - E. J. Lenferink, G. Wei, N. P. Stern
"Coherent optical non-reciporcity in axisymmetric resonators."
Optics Express 22, 16099- 16111 (2014) - D. J. Alton, N. P. Stern, Takao Aoki, H. Lee, E. Ostby, K. J. Vahala, and H. J. Kimble
“Strong interactions of single atoms and photons near a dielectric boundary”
Nature Physics 7, 159 (2011) - N. P. Stern, D. W. Steuerman, S. Mack, A. C. Gossard, and D.D. Awschalom
“Time-resolved dynamics of the spin Hall effect”
Nature Physics 4, 843 (2008) - N. P. Stern, S. Ghosh, G. Xiang, M. Zhu, N. Samarth, and D. D. Awschalom
“Current-Induced Polarization and the Spin Hall Effect at Room Temperature”
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 126603 (2006)