Fall 2024 Class Schedule
fall 2024 class Schedule
Course | Title | Instructor | Day/Time |
MAT SCI 401 (or PHYS 416 in winter Yr1)* |
Chemical & Statistical Thermodynamics of Materials | Ian McCue | MoWeFr 10:00am-10:50am |
PHYSICS 411-1 | Methods of Theoretical Physics | John Carrasco |
MoWe 11:00AM - 12:20AM |
PHYSICS 412-1 LEC | Quantum Mechanics | Andrew Geraci | TuTh 9:30AM - 10:50AM |
or CHEM 519 |
Responsible Conduct of Research Training
Responsible Conduct of Research Training |
Deborah Klos
Nathan Gianneschi |
We 4:30PM - 6:30PM (09/24/2024 - 10/28/2024) or Mo 4:30PM - 6:30PM (10/29/2024 - 12/07/2024) We 12:00PM - 12:50PM |
PHYSICS 422-1 (or MAT SCI 405 in spring Yr1) | Condensed-Matter Physics | John Ketteson | TuTh 2:00PM - 3:20PM |
Computational Methods of Applied Physics (see course options below) | Computational Methods of Applied Physics | ||
Experimental Methods of Applied Physics (see course options below) | Experimental Methods of Applied Physics | ||
Electives (2) | 2 additional 400-level electives must be chosen before the end of the 3rd year |
* If student chooses to take PHYS 416 in winter Yr1, they should pick a comp. or exp. methods of AP course or an elective in fall Yr 1 instead of MAT SCI 401.
- Download here the list of course options for Computational Methods of Applied Physics and Experimental Methods of Applied Physics.
- During your first eight quarters, when you are not taking at least three courses (i.e. during summers and your second year), you will add 1-3 units of APP PHYS 590 to reach full-time registration.
- Third year and beyond, students should register for TGS 500: Advanced Doctoral Studies.
- Funded students should always be registered full-time (3-4 units or TGS 500).
fall 2024 course descriptions
MAT SCI 401 – Chemical & Statistical Thermodynamics of Materials
The following topics in classical thermodynamics will be covered: the laws of thermodynamics; conditions for equilibrium; solutions; excess quantities; binary and ternary phase diagrams. Additionally, the following topics in statistical thermodynamics will be covered: statistical definition of entropy; ensembles and the Boltzmann and Gibbs distributions; quantum and classical ideal gasses; and the regular solution model.
PHYSICS 411-1 – Methods of Theoretical Physics
The topics covered will include a subset of: techniques for the solution of differential equations; approximations such as the method of steepest descent; techniques for integration; complex analysis; the special functions of mathematical physics; usage of Greens functions and eigen functions to solve differential equations; introduction to groups and group representations.
PHYSICS 412-1,2 – Quantum Mechanics
First quarter: Vector spaces and linear operators, postulates of quantum mechanics, observables and Hermitian operators, state vectors and quantum dynamics, stationary states, bound states, the harmonic oscillator, statistical interpretation and the Uncertainty Principle, symmetry and conservation laws, quantization of angular momentum, intrinsic spin, the Stern-Gerlach experiment, spherically symmetric potentials.
Second quarter: Feynman's path integral formulation, the classical limit, Schroedinger's wave equation, electromagnetic potentials, Aharonov-Bohm effects, Landau levels, Coulomb potential, approximation methods, variational principles, bound-state perturbation theory, Dirac's theory of the electron, electron spin, Dirac-Pauli equation, magnetic moment of the electron, fine structure of hydrogen, hyperfine interactions.
GEN ENG 519 – Responsible Conduct of Research Training
Should be taken in the first year. The goal of Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training is for anyone involved in research to perform the most ethical research possible. Northwestern University has in place a number of policies that clearly demonstrate our commitment to research integrity. Collectively, these apply to all members of Northwestern's research enterprise: students/trainees, staff and faculty.
PHYSICS 422-1 – Condensed-Matter Physics
Periodic potentials, crystal lattices, x-ray diffraction. Electrons in metals: Drude model, electrons in periodic potentials, semiclassical approximation, Fermi surface, band structure. Electronic and thermal transport, Boltzmann equation, electron-electron interactions, screening.
Computational Methods of Applied Physics
Students choose a 400-level computational techniques course, with approval of the Director for Graduate Studies
Download here the list of substitutes classes for Computational Methods of Applied Physics and Experimental Methods of Applied Physics.
Experimental Methods of Applied Physics
Students choose a 400-level laboratory techniques course, with approval of the Director for Graduate Studies
Download here the list of substitutes classes for Computational Methods of Applied Physics and Experimental Methods of Applied Physics.